Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday April 10 Short Trek Back to Pokhara

I woke up about 5:30 and turned on the light in my room.  In the Jensens' room next door the light came thru cracks in the ceiling and walls.  What do you expect for $6???   It was an easier pack up when we are headed back to Pokhara and not another day on the trek. I had coffee in the "patio" before everyone came down to eat.  Of course, the kids were playing Uno cards.  They have had so much fun.   We had the last trek "same ole, same ole" breakfast menu.  We ordered 5 breakfasts and shared it between the 6 of us.  At 8 we walked our last 30 minute Trek to meet the Jeeps that would take to town.
This is the light coming into the Jensens' room when I turned on my room light.  :)

Girls on Trek

It was about a 3-4 hour ride in the Jeeps, with a couple stops for RR.   We stopped at a look out over the city.  It was so pretty!!  We also stopped to share Good News with our guides and porters before we paid them and our 2 families went their separate ways.  We made it to Hotel Middle Path.  It looks really nice! A surprise was that they just have a swimming pool that is in operation.  Evan and Phillip went out for cheese and crackers for an afternoon snack.  Brooks, Anabel and I showered and headed to the pool area. The sun was super hot for me and the pool was super cold for them.  I rested in the room, Missy and Anabel went down to work out was "really nice with a treadmill and a punching bag".  Around 5 the kids were watching Prince Caspian and we went out to walk the city.  Phillip went back to get then after the movie was over and we walked and then ate amazing food at SoJo's.
Visiting with the Porters and the guides, sharing Good News and thanking then for their service.

This is the whole group 5 Jensen's  5 Carstens, 3 porters to carry our packs 2 guides
(one that knew what he was doing and only spoke N., the other spoke English).  

At the view from the hill,
they were parasailing over the city.  

At the Middle Park Motel, they greeted us with frozen mango drink.  Great start!!!

 Loving the pool

Loving the view from the top floor.

Loving the view, cheese balls, and chicken/honey sesame seed.
This meal was great!!!!

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