Saturday, April 27, 2019

Hanging out around Burr Oak

Keith had coffee made for me in the morning.  :)  We went to Bruce's for breakfast about 7:30 for  Mike S. and 3 other friends who came this weekend with the intent to go trout fishing.  I"m not sure what they did with this weather.   Of course, the breakfast was great!!  I headed down to Bluffton to see Diane and Tom.  We went to the Little Farmer Daycare garage sale then back to Bluffton.  While I was there Molly called and visited with her about flowers for Gretchen's wedding.  Hopefully, I answered some of her questions, concerns.   After lunch and visiting I went to the What's New.  I love to walk around that place and look at stuff.  I visited with Marilyn and Becca when she stopped in.  Our reunion meeting was at 6 at Keith's shed.  Bill L. Diane W. Sue D. Dean and Ardie N. Margaret and Larry M.  We each have about 5 names to contact.  Afterwards we played a little pickle ball. 

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