Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday April 19 Headed to Cherokee.

I got up and walked 3 miles as the sun came up.  Denny had fixed his eggs and bacon by the time I got home.  He left to drive tractor by 6:40.  Coffee, devos and news on TV was next on my list of "to do.".  I headed to IG around 8 and went to Dose, then to my dermatology appointment where everything checked out ok, then to Cherokee.  Jack made my day when I went to get him at daycare.  He saw me and ran to me with his hands out.  When I picked him up he snuggled in and just lay still on my shoulder for a long time.  It was so sweet.

 Matt and family stopped at Cooks for supper before heading to Kingsley for Easter.  Mandy and Jason had great food.  Everyone loved on Jack.  They choose N. jewelry, flags, hairbands, and etc. 

 Jack snuggling with me after his nap.  So sweet!!
I headed home about 9:20 after Jason helped by filling the Prius flat tire with air. Denny got out of the field about 9.  

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