Saturday, April 20, 2019

Pretty much home in afternoon

Farmer Denny took off on this little tractor and disc at 7 am.   Boys and Toys ...

My early morning was pretty chill, I didn't do much.  Around 9:30 I went to IG to get the tire on the Prius fixed.  They were busy and so it took most of the morning.  (Uffta!  $20) At home I napped and then sorted through my dahlias to see if any were sprouting.  Some were sprouoting, but many were dried up and dead.  I put away all of my travel stuff and did a couple loads of laundry.  Denny's disc sprang a leak so he was home around 5.
These are pictures of the paintings we did in Kat.:


Pretty sunset and light house

Mountains and village similar to picture. 

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