Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Wednesday April 17 Happy Birthday! Evan!!! I leave for America this noon

Evan is a teenager!!!  We love you SO much and are so proud of the young man you are becoming!!  It has been great to spend time with your family ... on the trek ... painting ... playing ping pong and pickle ball and Uno and Carcasonne ... lots of good eating ... mo-mos ... fruit pizza
Our prayer is that as you grow older you follow Christ more and more.  His love for you will meet every need. Your life brings a smile to our face.

It was so great to see your school!!

 I love the way you read and retain the information that you have read.

Saying Good by to Grands and Missy and Phillip was hard.  I was SO glad to be able to visit them on the other side of the world.  
We played pickle ball up until the time the taxi came to take Missy and me to the airport.  
Ping pong with the Grands.  

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