Monday, April 15, 2019

Tuesday April 16 .. Last day here

It was a slow am.  I talked to Denny, he was heading home from disc-ing for the neighbor.  He was happy to be on a tractor, but got lost south of Denison and took him a while to figure out where he was.  The family is writing notes to people state side that I will deliver.  (Better that the postal service from N.)  I read my daily devotions 2 days ahead, so I could pack the heavy book in one of the 2 suitcases that I am checking.
     We left about 10:30 for language for Missy and painting for us.  But first I said ,"Good by" to Missy's dede  Maya.  She has been a real answer to a need.  She comes in 2-21/2 days a week and helps do laundry on the roof, cleans the house, shops for veggies/etc AND prepares the veggies by soaking in water with iodine (that is the color of weak tea) for 10 minutes and then peels and chops, makes N. dahl bhat and rice and other N. food (that the kids don't like the best)  AND she has helped Missy immensely by giving her a sounding board/ language correction for application of language in everyday circumstances.   She is a gem!!!

We took a taxi to language.  Then we walked to Evoke where Evan, Anabel, Brooks and I painted.  It wasn't open until 12 so AB and I looked at shops.  

 Finished pieces

We took a taxi home.  The family worked more on letters.  At 5 we met for the every other Team meeting.  What a great bunch of people to live life with!  Please pray for them.  

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