Thursday, April 25, 2019

Rainy day ... no fieldwork

AM Mix at 5:30.   It is a great workout ... (if only I could do it all and not just keep moving when the rest of the class are doing hard stuff).   I headed home.  Denny was still there because it was raining.  We moved the carpet ball table closer to the fire pit. He got an appointment for a haircut for 9 am and we went to IG.  We got groceries for the Awana leader supper next week.  I went to study at Ginny's.  When I got home Denny was mowing and I  joined him.   He went on to use the bobcat to groom the ditch area.  I put down carpet and wire supports for the plants I am going to plant next week.   We chilled in the coop and yard and called Missy for her birthday. She was out for supper with friends.

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