Friday, August 3, 2018

Doing little or nothing at home

 Walked 2 miles this am after starting a drip hose on some flowers and haphazardly putting cords around my dahlias and the stakes I put in the ground when I planted the dahlias.  Man, I should have done that along time ago.  The plants were all spread out.   Then several cups of coffee as I watched the news, then out to the hammock as I read the Bible,  then move the drip hose, then pick some cukes before Keelie eats them, back to the hammock to work on blog, back to changing location of the drip hose,   The Grass hopper part came and Denny fixed the grass hopper and mowed the soccer field.  Denny mowed the area he plans to seed grass for Bethany's wedding.  Then he sprayed plant killer so he can till it up after the plants die and it rains.  My phone came and Denny spent a lot of time during the day getting it all programmed.  I mowed the lawn, kept moving the drip hose, and then walked 2 1/2 miles before taking a shower, picking more cukes, and shutting off the water.  At night we made 3 half gallon jars of refrigerator dill pickles.  First time ... hope they turn out.  And I made a batch of kumbacha. Did everyone know that I love being retired?  Thank you Jesus.
Mo Jos in Colorado.

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