Monday, August 27, 2018

Home Getting ready for the fair

Up and at home.  Just around and at home.  The airbnb'ers left about 11 and we started to clean.  Around noon I headed to IG Selections.  I enlarged 16 - 5x7 prints and bought the spray glue and foam board to mount the pictures.  Denny finished on the basement and started to install the "Nest".  It is working ... and I got the photo exhibits ready to enter on Friday.  AND Mandy called just when we were done.  Nice visit, they are on their way home from the boundary waters.  From there Denny cleaned the pickup more (he's dreaming of upgrading) , I started mowing, and Denny joined me to finish mowing.  I planted the 2 hot rod switch grass that I got in Carroll at Earl May.  We chilled out by the fire pit before heading inside.  We got a lot done today.  BUT I have realized now that we are retired .... it is hard to remember, "What day IS this????"  'cause everyday is like Saturday.  Did you know ... I love it!!!!

Let me know if you think you see any blue ribbon photos in these pictures!!!!!

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