Sunday, August 19, 2018

Let the rain come

I didn't sleep the greatest last night, l was awake and in bed, tho.  Airbnb left, I rototilled around flower beds before SS.  I had taken flowers for Bailey's shower to church yesterday.   Lots to talk to after church.  Susan and Gordon took us out for lunch at Zimmies.  Good talking and good food.  Shower was from 2-4.  At home Denny spread feed,weed,fert,seed so it is ready for rain to make it all work.   Washed and made beds.  Watched the rain from the deck.  Evan wanted to send me the picture of the plant nursery on their way home from school.  I told him I can hardly wait til I can come and see it.  We saw a car like theirs in Zimmies parking lot, and we had to go check it out.  DARN, not Jensens.  Rose did sidewalk painting today.  

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