Thursday, August 30, 2018


Up and devotions.  I started onion dill buns and headed to IG.  I stopped and got some tomatoes from Mary.  At DosesI got some camo glasses for the fair.  At home I baked brownies, coffee cake, peanut butter bars and 2 batches of buns.  Quick nap before study at 1:30.  Susan, Rita, Laura, Teresa, Jenn, Mary Kay, Sharon, Oxianna.  At the farmer's market they were celebrating Seniors.  They had free ice cream and took pictures of seniors.  I had flowers for them to take home.  Sold 4 flowers, 2 buns, a few bars and pesto and pico.  At home Denny had been cleaning the Jeep and kept polishing it when I got home.  We chilled for a while, me in the hammock and Denny in the lawn chair, before watching Heart Land and going to bed.

Flowers I made for Melanie for Resource room gals' first day of school.

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