Friday, August 24, 2018

Fun to have no plans for the day

Up for devotions.  Looking forward to today, 'cause we have nothing planned.  And as the day comes to a close, that is about what I did ... nothing.  After watching some you tubes on flavoring kumbacha and having 2 gallons (which have been in stage one fermentation since Aug. 4) sitting in the purple room closet, I mixed up 4 pint canning jars with blueberry/mango, strawberry, and cucumber dill.  Hope they don't explode in broom closet.  Next fun (NOT) task was trying on clothes and sending 2 good sized piles to Grain train Tuesday.  Denny's knee/hip continues to bother him.  Of course, as we sit on the deck and do nothing and eat supper, he says it doesn't hurt.  He got the chainsaws running.  Now that was a job!  'Planning to do more trimming tomorrow now that tools are working.  At 3 he had a haircut and we headed to IG and Arthur.  I got ingredients for curry chickpea, but it didn't seem as good as Phillip's.  Nice supper on the deck.  The airbnbers used the soccer field.  Fun!!

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