Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Time in Savannah

Up and we had coffee outside.  It was a beautiful morning.  Haley went a picture of cuddles to Jensens.  After coffee, Denny and Torren started digging the hole for the BB hoop.  Of course it did not look substantial enough and so they dug it 40 inches deep instead of 24. It took some math, but Denny and Torren decided how much cement to get.   Becky and Haley went to St. J to shop for locker stuff.  We drove to get cement in Savannah; it was quite the job to load 17 bags of 80# quickcrete.  Becky had fixed brats for lunch.  Then came the task of putting cement in the hole and making it "square" with the world and existing diveway.  They opened bags into the wheel barrel and added water.  Becky did a great job combining with a hoe and then Denny and Torren  scooped it in the hole.  Quite the planning to "hang" the  pole into the  40 inch hole so it doesn't sink down too far.  Then to make sure it is all square with the world, driveway, etc.   Denny has been so excited and pleased with himself because the level says he is right on!!!!  Right on with everything except the number of concrete bags he bought.  After we returned 8 bags we went to Dairy Queen for treats.   Denny liked the Midnight mocha.  Then home to put rest of the basketball back board and pole together.  Torren had 6th grade orientation at 6:30.  It was fun to see his school and all the activity of students and staff and building.  At 7:30 we took Torren to football practice.  He was one of 6 6th graders there, the rest were still at registration.  He was the receiving player for 2 quarterbacks and so he got a lot of throws in the 30 minutes he was there.   Becky fixed a great supper of spaghetti and then we chilled in living room with Matt and Becky.    Great day!  Lots done.  Mary Kay called me about proving flowers for a funeral.  It's a go ... plan to be home soon enough on Friday to put them together for her.

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