Saturday, August 25, 2018

Trimming trees

It is always a great day when I get to talk to my kids AND today I face-timed with Missy and family.  So good to hear about school days for Evan and how he loves creative writing and  how he has an assignment to write a factual report.  Brooks told about church this morning.  Quite long and ALL in a different language and about their shopping trip.  Denny showed them the CSA area he seeded with grass.  Denny trimmed a lot of trees, we had lunch, a nap, and then made food to go to SS get-together at Brian and Mary's home.  Very nice time.  Great food. Fun hay wagon ride.  Reese said to me,"It's easy to pray for Missy and Phillip, when  go to bed I pray that they will have a good day.  When I wake up I pray that they will have a good night's sleep."  Lord, thank you for those encouraging words and the knowledge that friends are praying.   Always a good day ....

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