Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jack Day Hurray!!!

I love to wake and read and or look at my phone in bed, so being at Cook's gives me that opportunity.  I headed upstairs at 7:30.  They left about 8 and Jack woke at 8:30.  I got a kick out of watching Jack toddle around.  Sandy O. came for a visit and we visited out on the patio while Jack toddled around outside.  Jack loved the swing.  Sandy thought the patio was wonderful.  Naptime at 11:30-2:30.  Mandy got off work at noon, but went to Jason's office and did paperwork.  I headed for home after 4.  Denny had gotten the fertilizer spreader going and done some of the yard.  I should have started harvesting flowers, but we just sat and visited.  We got the estimate for our patio paving, more that what we had hoped for, but I think we will go ahead with the project. 

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