Sunday, August 5, 2018

Hurrah!!! I got to play softball

Up and walked 4 this am.  Airbnbers were leaving to go home to Laribee Wyoming ... and took Pebbles.  :)  It was hard to go to SS the first time when we were not taking the grands for donuts.  Mary Kay came over for lunch after church.  She warned me of the proverbs verse about not spending too much time with friends.  I told her just to make sure she left so we could take naps this afternoon.  After my nap I went to IG; church softball team was playing at 4 and 5:30.  AND they let me play.  Now I did NOT get on base.  I did not even get a hit.  I got about 3 balls in left field.  None of the balls went thru my legs.  :)   BUT I can no longer throw the ball overhand.  Now that is heart breaking for me.  (It is hard to roll the ball to second base, but it does get there.)  I also feel heart broken because I have not been able to do cart wheels any more.  (I have not been able to do cart wheels since I had rotator cull injuries.)   It is NOT the pits getting older!!!  I am just so happy I can do a faxsimimally of what I used to enjoy.  After the 2 softball games, Renae and I walked the trail.  So nice to visit and "feel the loss" together.  At home Denny was working on Awana all afternoon.  Great talk with Lisa VK tonight about Awana.   Rose got tired during supper.
                                                       MISSING DONUT TIME !!!

Good by Pebbles!!

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