Thursday, August 2, 2018

Happy anniversary Mandy and Jason

Four Years!!! Praise the Lord!!What a fun wedding!!  What a fun life together!!!  And now Jack,too.

I started bread machine about 5 when I got up.  Walked 4 miles.  When I got back I made another batch of buns.  Denny made pesto; I got basil leaves and garlic ready.  Denny made pico de Gallo; I got cilantro leaves and garlic ready.  I went out and cut flowers, but did not have time to put them in bunches.  I baked some buns then at 11:30 I went to help with widows' luncheon.   Mary Kay had already stopped at the CSA barn and taken the 21 white pitchers of flowers to church.  Nice bunch of ladies, but a couple of them didn't like it that I started them with only a half of a cup of coffee because the majority of the coffee was not ready.  Uffta!!!  When I got home at 1:15 I baked a pan of brownies.  Study was 1:30-3:30.  We started in the sun room and then I asked them if they would mind meeting out in the CSA barn so I could put some bunches of flowers together.  I put 12 flower bunches together and listened to the prayer requests and the chapter reading.  They left and Denny and I went to the IG FM 4:30-6:30.  We sold all of his pico deGallo and 6 pestos.  Plus 7 flowers 3 buns  $5 of sunflowers and some bars.  Pretty good night.   I got groceries and we went home to chill on the deck.  It was so nice to have Missy call on her phone and to hear what the kids shared.  All of their tubs and checked luggage arrived.  I headed to bed and Dad "whatsap"ped with other 3 kids, so I came back out to the deck.  Matt and family are in Colorado Springs for Jenny's family reunion.  It looks like so much fun!!!

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