Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jack Day

Headed north about 6:30.   Jack had fallen and bumped his head right before I got there.  We played out (rocked) in garage/front of house until naptime about 10.  Jack woke up about 11:20 and Jason came home for an early lunch and packing.  We headed in to town for a 5 mile stroller nap/walk.   Jason took the stroller into the office and we walked from there.  Fareway, downtown, New leaf, back to Fareway to buy a forgotten item AND ice cream at the Pharmacy.  Melanie called to order 11 bunches for flowers for resource room.  :)  It was such a fun slow moving day.  I love just sitting and watching Jack toddle around and explore and slowly do hard things (like go up and down small steps).   At home we picked off basil leaves while we visited on the deck.  Denny made pesto while I got flowers for the resource room.

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