Sunday, May 31, 2015

Headed to Paulsruds after church

Quiet time in am.  2 kids pretty tired after the wedding, so they are sleeping in.  Evan is spending the weekend in Ames for his birthday time with grandparents.  No donuts.  Rory and Kathy's family came to church.  Good to see them.  Denny helped bring flowers from the wedding and so I gave them out after church.  A lot of dropped petals,  I tried to pick them up from the church carpet.  After church we went to Paulsruds for leftovers.  Such very good food and fellowship with friends.  We came home and I took an hour nap and woke up very groggy... Denny had started cleaning and washing his clothes for next week.   When most of the cleaning was done, I took the rug out to shake by the front door.  A thousand flies came inside.  UFFTA!!  We sprayed fly killer, went outside by the fire pit.  When they die, it will be a mess.  Dead flies all over and just when Denny had gotten done vacuuming.  Life for me.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jordan and Jamison's wedding

Fun day.  I dug up some more very tall crab grass.  Denny gave the okay to invite Whitneys to our farm for a picnic at lunch.  They came about 11:30 -1:30.  Very fun time.  It was so good to see everyone and the sweet Grands.  Denny was asked to do the sound at the wedding and so we got there about 3.  We took Brooks and Anabel.  Missy and Phillip worked in the garden and went to the wedding reception.  Another beautiful wedding at Prairie Pedlar. Whitney family: Spent part of the day at the farm where I spent so much of my childhood, it sure looks different a CSA farm and has about everything a child could more hogs:) and as I remember not wanting to leave as a child the same could be said for my boys today!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Flowers at Prairie Pedlar

Mandy worked last night. She called while Kim and I were walking. This is the first time walking with Kim, I hope it works out for her to go about every other day. Great to visit with Mandy and Kim. I got the drill out and planted lilies in the patch south of the house. I headed to Prairie Pedlar at 10. Lots of pretty flowers. Bob had picked a lot of peonies. We set up outside. About 15 people helped put together 55 table flowers, of which 16 would go in the stakes for the wedding then transferred to the tables. I made 2 large arrangements in pots for the pillars up front, 8 bride's maid's bouquets, and one bouquet for Jordan. Those all fit in the refrigerator. I came home and fell asleep during the news. When Denny came home I was out of it. We headed to Denison to get rugs for the sunroom. The trail from the deck to the kitchen needs to be protected. We got 4 beige rugs, could probably use one more.

Thurs May 28 Strawberries and flowers at Teresa's and Bob's

Nice morning ... Denny has a hard time going to work when I am home. I planted all the root of flowers in-between asparagus. I probably should have done that a month ago. My plan is to transplant them after they have sprouted now. The two weedy patches they are going into need to be cleaned out before they take in flowers. Lots of work ahead of me. I needed gas so I headed to IG before going to Paulsruds. We harvested flowers and sliced strawberries for the wedding. Darlene and Woody's apartment in the house is really nice. I came home at noon and took my lunch over to eat with Jensens. Missy and kids were in DM meeting Shannon and 4 at a park and getting a new battery for her phone. After work Denny went out to the CSA. He put a ground in the outlet, so I don't get shocked using the refrigerator. We moved them around a little. So happy to get them working. He also started work on the outside lights. Wow, it is great to have him repair stufff. Put 4 pails of flowers in 2 refrigs in CSA. I have some flowers in the basement refrig, too. Pretty happy, down 7 1/2 pounds. Lord, keep helping me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Check out of school

Up and ready to go. It was a beautiful morning and I went outside and walked around. Breakfast at school for staff. I am completing my 5th year. I gave Travis and Megan a wedding card. I checked out with Mr. Miller. We talked about classes we are teaching next semester. Looks like 3 English classes and In. Living. Home about 11:30. Pulled weeds and moved plants. Still many more to go. Jensens had Breanna, Jesse, and Christian out helping in the garden. I ate my lunch over there. I ran to tiller in the weed patch and picked asparagus. When Denny came home, he mowed the lawn quickly, then we went to Kiron for training in hospitality in church. My chest is uncomfortable and my pinkie and ring fingers are tingly. Interesting. They are taking the B&G barn down. It is Diane and Jay's anniversary today. We saw Steph and she said it was 26 years ago that we were in Kiron Baptist for the wedding. Pictures of Yousling wedding, unit being dismantled, and Jensen cousins.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

PD day

Up and ready to go. I went out to get a few more flowers for the bouquet for Megan and Travis. PD started at 8:00. Donuts and juice. We made a silent movie for our PLC group. I got groceries at lunch time. We had cupcakes for T&M and they opened some gag gifts. It rained most of the afternoon. It was great to pull weeds from the triangle place. Denny paid bills while I worked outside. We watched a movie at night. Pictures of Luke and boys using the drone.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Last night we drove thru the Kiron Cemetery.  Before church yesterday Pat played music and pictures of past  church members.  It is always good to remember the people we have loved who are no longer with us.  I miss our parents. Pictures of the gardens and the work that they need.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Recital fun Click this site for drone movie of Prairie Whole

GVI walked 4 miles before church. Karen and Luke are headed to IG for breakfast with Mark, Carol, and Pete. The Jensen grands came over for sugar donuts before Sunday school. I was in the nursery with a cute little Peyton. She is precious. So fun to watch her let me know what she wanted. We played a little of Where is your nose, teeth, chin, eyes, hair, ears? After church we packed cheese and bread and made sandwiches with Luke and Karen as we drove to Denison for the gymnastics recital. The doors opened at 1. We were there about 12:30 and got seats in the fourth row. Fun time visiting and watching people. I really enjoyed the whole show. We took E&B home with us. Luke got his drone out and flew it around the farm. It has a powerful camera and we all loved to watch it. The boys got to drive it over the garden. After the boys went to bed Denny used his new meat probe and we fixed steaks, grilled onions, potatoes, and ramen noodle salad. It was a great meal. We ate outside with candle light that kept on going out. Fun to play with the wax. We went to bed and Luke stayed up to edit the drone youtube of the gardens in May. Click this site for drone movie of Prairie Whole Fun day!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dress rehearsal

Up and walked 2.75 miles before going with Missy and Anabel to Denison for dress rehearsal. Laurie and Alan came to watch, too. The show will take about 2 and a half hours. We got a few groceries at Fareway, then home. I headed to Odebolt lumber with Denny's list before the noon closing. About $150 to make 2 doors for garden sheds. At home i ate leftover pizza and then took a nap. Denny had cleaned while I was in Denison, he cleaned the house, pickup, Prius. What a husband. After naps, I weeded and moved plants from one area to another. I got wedding cards ready. We went to Stangl wedding at 3:15. Very nice wedding at Prairie pedlar.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Praise the Lord!! Last Friday of this school year!!

In bed for devotions and updating blog.  It is hard to believe this year is done.  I have completed 5 years of teaching SPED.  I still feel so inadequate to meet their needs and know all the content of high school subjects.  Lord, keep teaching me that loving and serving you is the most important thing I can do.  Put love in my heart.  Help me build relationships with staff and students.

Happy Birthday Denny!!!

Denny was up early fixing sausage and eggs for breakfast. Matt called to wish him a Happy Birthday. I brought out his gift to open at breakfast. He loved the thermometer that connects to his phone. He left early for bank meetings. I only read one semester test this afternoon. We cleaned out many of school publicatons that were printed before 1987. We used Lynzie's birthday as a cutoff date. I bought pizza for staff at noon. And I stopped to get steak for supper and yellow and blue napkins for the shower for Travis and Megan. After school I came home and started planting cleome along a garden row. Denny came home a little early he started the rototiller and then went to mowing the lawn. I planted dahlias and rototilled around flower beds. Omar and Stephanie were helping Phillip plant into the black plastic. Then she helped me pull weeds. Missy came back from Gymnastic practice and pictures. She brought cake and icecream. What a great birthday party!! After they left I wrapped a shower gift for Ashley. Bed time was after 11 pm. Uffta!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last day of kids in classroom ... 2 semester tests ... 2 PD left

Slept 6 hours last night, pretty good. The morning seems cool. Birds are chirping. Amazing that this is the last day of my fifth year of teaching SPED. Tomorrow and Friday there are semester tests. Tuesday and Wed. PD and work day. I ordered pizza for staff for tomorrow. Students had speeches, media projects, brochures, and one student finished finals early, to free up Thurs and Friday. I went to Dollar General during planning. After school I went for haircut. I almost ran into Phillip at the top of a gravel hill, coming west while he was going east. Thank you Jesus for watching over us. Naps during news. Omar brought rototiller back. We went to Wednesday night on personal evangelism. Good day. Great horse saying and pictures

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Meet superintendent candidates

Devotions in bed. Wonder how cold it is?? I covered my plants last night. Brrrr ... 19th of May and still frost warnings. It did not reach 32 :) Regular day at school. Helped with SPA speeches. Watched multimedia editing, Ind Liv mopped the floor, After school I shopped downtown for wedding cards and a shower gift. Then back to the school to meet the superintendent candidates, I left there about 6. At home Denny fixed scrambled eggs. I went outside to work in flower beds. Jensens were filling up plot south of coop. I started a fire, but it didn't burn well. Missy helped me pull grass out of part of the flower bed. They had 25 second graders for a farm field trip with chickens, baby pigs, garden seeds, taste veggies test, and worms. Denny helped the 3 take baths. Pictures of second grade field trip .

Monday, May 18, 2015

Fixing Anabels gymnastics costume

Took at bath last night, Now in bed reading devotions looking at the computer. At school first hour SH. working on speech ... times I feel inadequate. Lord, I know you provide all I need. PE was cleaning the wrestling room. Independent living wiped out all of the cupboards. After school I went to Missy's and helped fix Anabel's gymnastic costume. It is going to be cute. Missy sent maid rite meat home with us. She is planning a field trip for second graders to the farm tomorrow. They will be looking at seeds, putting 10 seeds in a germination tray. Digging for worms. looking at seeds, plants and then tasting actual veggies of the seeds and trying to figure out which goes with which plant. At 5:30 we watched the news, I napped. After a quick supper Denny got the chainsaw running and we trimmed trees and started a fire. It is so good to get them trimmed. Tiller is under repair. Omar borrowed it, hopefully it will get fixed fairly soon. I have been not taking sleeping aids the last couple nights and sleeping pretty well. (about 6 hours) Lord, grant me wisdom. The tree behind Jensen's house fell down on May 22. What a mess it made. It took out 2 more trees. Luckily it did not fall toward the house. The trust decided to remove the debris and also take out 23 more hollow trees that could fall on the house.

Graduation Sunday

Kind of a lazy morning. I read devotions and some short stories. About 9:30 I left for Parker and Lexi's graduation party at the golf course. Then to church. After church we went to Beth's reception at Moorehead Depot. I got a a few groceries and then went to commencement and handed out about 11 cards. At home we watched a couple episodes of Longmire. I went outside to remove limestone rocks from flowerbed south of the house. Denny fixed pizza and we went to prayer time at church. Jensens went to a cousin's graduation party at Pocahontas. Katie and Adam had a baby girl this am. Aileen Amelia, who weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. I took 4 wheel barrels full of weeds from the flower bed south of the house. Uffta!! I hate crabgrass. Lord help me get the sin out of my life and the crab grass from my flower beds. Katie and her babies:

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Weed weed weed

We got up about 6:15 and were on the road home by 6:30. Denny worked in Odebolt, I went home to weed the lily bed that was full of weeds. It took me 4 hours. I listened to Pandora, About 3 I headed into IG. Denny went to weed with his new hoes at Angus acres. I got 12 subway cards for Graduation gifts. I was at Tristans at 3 :45. I thought it went from 2-4 ... no it must have gone from 4-6. Uffta. He was fishing in the Skate Palace pond and I visited with him a little. Then to Jacob H.'s. It was so good to see Susan and Mark and their families. At home I planted the status and cosmos seeds. Missy and Phillip came to move germinated sprouts to soil cubes. I helped them while Denny got the 3 thru the bath time. I am trying to spout some packaged seeds to transplant into cubes, We'll see. We sat on deck with Missy and Phillip, ate kettle corn and the kids watched a movie on the Denny's phone. Good day. So happy to get the flower bed weeded. Uffta!! What a mess. Pictures of Betsy and Wade's house:

Friday to Cherokee

A pretty regular day at school. After school I went to Doses and got a towel bar for in the laundry room, too big, wrong color of metal. (But kids put their bath towels on it after taking a bath on Sat. night. We drove to Cherokee at 5. Great time visiting. They did a taste test of stuffed chicken breast, plus roasted asparagus, seasoned rice and a wonderful salad. We hiked down to the river and looked for mushrooms on the way. Only to find 2 golf balls and a chicken egg??? We skipped stones at the river. Back up on top we each hit a golf ball and then we ate dessert on the deck. Rummi cube was next. Such a great fun time with the Cooks. Mandy had gotten a box of clothes to try on from Stitch ??? It was fun to look at them. It was after midnight by the time we went to bed.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weed while the ground is saturated

Regular day at school. Independent living baked the pizza they had made yesterday. I stopped at Dose after school and then home. I started on the east west lily bed. YUCK!! So much crab grass and clover. it will take a lot of pulling. Impossible to do if the ground were dry. I put down some carpet rolls. We had pizza for supper. Mr. Miller sent out information about Scholarship night. Over $402,000 in money was given out. For the OABCIG scholarships over $201,000 was given out to 60+ student so each averaged $3300. That is amazing!! Barb and Wade's home

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Senior Awards night. Hike/ Bike

I didn't sleep the best last night. My legs were really tired and hurting. Surprised because I actually worked on weeding last night. Thought about getting a sub sandwich, but decided not to get it. The independent living class fixed personal size pizzas, but strangely enough they all like cheese. So I made one with the beef and bacon. Last day for writing class. We finished watching Temple Grandin. At 1:15 we left for Odebolt to get information on student coming next year. At 4, I went down to the Skate Palace. Mandy had gone with A&E on the hike/bike. Quick visit and then she was off to go to work. Denny got 3 new hoes and he took some time to try them out. I left to go to the senior $$ night. Amazing. 60 seniors each got about $3000 for filling out scholarship form.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Weeded asparagus

Getting close to the end of school. Muiltimedia has a plan. Shark informative. That's a good thing. After school at home Denny changed oil in the rototiller. Then he tilled around the asparagus and flower beds. I planted flowers and then tried to pull weeds from the asparagus beds so we could see the asparagus. Phillip said he planted 1200 plants today. Omar was helping from 5-7. I am in a quandary. The flower beds are so full of grass and weeds that I don't know where to plant flowers. Should I till them up and start all over. What would prevent the weeds and grass from coming back? UFFTA!! What to do? and I just got another box of wonderful plants/ bulbs from Brecks in the mail. Where do I start?? The flowerbed south of the house? The triangular bed?? the full of weeds long lily bed? Between the two asparagus rows?? Lord, help me. Pictures from Madison: