Monday, April 30, 2018

Widows luncheon

Faithful Denny up at 5 to head to work by 5:40.  Still in pain.  This a.m. I just put stuff away.  WINDY!!!  The wind just roared.  G'ma Laurie came over for a cup of coffee before heading home.  Always good to visit.  I went to help with widows luncheon.  There were 138 widows, About 8 youth, 8-10 men who park cars, 10-15 ladies who set up, serve, and clean up.  Now that's a lot of people.  Tammy Q. fixed great food.  What a blessing she is!  At home I read Pax, the book that Anabel gave me.  WINDY!!  So windy it blew the hot tub/pool off the grain bin cement slab,  So windy it blew the metal dumpster off the grain bin cement slab.  Hope Denny can keep the tractor and planter in the field with this wind.  I cleaned the airbnb and listened to the wind.  So WINDY!!  And warm  80 degrees.  Denny came home about 10:30, dirtier that I have ever seen him.  He said the graphite they put in the planter boxes blows up and on them.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Day of rest

Anabel and Brooks ate yogurt and cereal for breakfast.  Denny got up at 5am because his back hurt, then went back to sleep until 10.  Kids and I went for donuts before SS.  After church we went to the pancake/ sausage library fund raiser.  Naps in the afternoon, Anabel read in the sunroom.  Brooks did some soccer while Denny ran a stop watch to see how fast he could go around a goal and back then they watched some videos on soccer.  We are happy that Keelie caught and killed a ground hog, but not so happy that she brings it to the back door to show off her conquest.   We went into church for Camp supper.  When I brought A&B home we had a "share what we did this weekend" with Evan in Ames, 2 at my place, and Missy and Phillip in Omaha.  Denny had search committee facetime interview.  He was in pain when he got home.  2 Alieve before he went to bed.  He slept on the Murphy bed thinking that may help his pain.  Hope so.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Soccer Saturday

Denny was up and headed out the door to plant beans.  Quite the feat ... for Denny to be out the door before 6.  Grands got up and we laid on Anabel's bed and finished watching The Butter Cream Gang.  I smiled Thursday night when Ranae and my girls were talking about how they did not watch many movies growing up and how they really like TBCG.   As kids they were happy when we would get the feature family movies in the mail.  AND Brooks and Anabel STILL thought it was a good movie.  Hopefully some time in the near future I can have the Remer/Jensen 6 watch it here while their moms go some place together.  :)  We headed into IG and stopped at Another Dose.  It seemed to have a dose of bad smell in there.  Then we 3 did some errands, groceries, soccer meet, There was no on-line ordering pizza (My mistake it was sent to Brownsville.)  We ate our Cenex lunch at the Gomaco tables.  Then to J&J thrift store.  Brooks said,"I would call this place, "Cool".     I said, 'You're my boy!!!  Why would you call this place cool???"  "It has so many things you could build stuff with."  And upon driving away ...  "I would really like to come to this place again with my mom or dad ... or you."
At home I worked on planting flowers.  We got ready to head to town and see HS play.  It was fun so see.  Very fun night.  Denny came home a little early ... 9.   Many fun things were done with all of our family on a beautiful spring Saturday

Friday, April 27, 2018

Denny gone planting

The alarm went off way to early at 4:45.  While Denny was eating his breakfast he checked his phone and the planter he would use was being repaired and would not be ready to go until 8.  He didn't go back to sleep, but did leisurely enjoy his breakfast and coffee.   The kitchen was full of dirty dishes so I think I did 3 dish washer loads.  Thank you, Jesus.  I put the airbnb bedding in the washer.  I went into the garden and continued planting.  My body was sore and achey all day.  Laurie texted to see if I wanted to walk, Yes, I did.  We walked about 1 1/2 miles, then she went to pick up Evan after school for a birthday weekend.  I took a long soaking hot bath.  Missy dropped the kids off about 4 then she and Phillip headed to Omaha for the weekend.  Kids played outside, we played Pick up Sticks and dominoes.  Before they went to bed we watched the Butter Cream gang.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Happy birthday Missy!!

Happy 40th Birthday Missy!  You have brought joy to our lives for 40 years!!  Phillip posted some cute pictures on facebook until Missy shut him down because she didn't want people thinking she was posting during the day while she was teaching. 

Fun full day.  Denny got up at 4:45 so he could be at work planting beans down by Denison.  I loaded up the cinnamon rolls, cowboy torte, crackers, and took them over to Missy for treats at school.  I fixed the salad, asparagus, whipping cream, chocolate for drizzle on cream puff, etc.  Carol put on facebook that her mom Joyce Ankerberg died yesterday on April 25.  My mom died April 24 10 years ago.  Missy is 40 today!!!  They are headed to N. in August.  The accumulation of this information made me sad.  About 10 I went out to plant in the garden.  I sure hope the manure isn't too strong for the plants.  Till, Rake, move panels, plant, repeat, I headed to Teresa's for study.  9 ladies there.  At home I went to work to get ready for Missy's 40th birthday.  I tried to put together the grill table.  I hope it helps.  Great birthday daughter, Great people and Kids, Great meal.  Great laughing time for supper.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Awana Awards

Devotions and started to fix food.  Getting ready for 40th birthday meal.  It rained a little last night so planting will start after noon.  2 batches of cinnamon rolls, cowboy torte, fried bacon, spinach artichoke dip, Really made a mess of the kitchen!!!  I picked up Anabel and Brooks after school and we went to see Paul and Maryann.  We visited and then played dominoes.  At home Anabel set the kids table and made punch for tomorrow night.   Denny planted for Larsons until time to get ready for Awana.  About 205 for awards night.  I hd great help setting up and working the store.  Thank you youth group.  So proud of Grands for all the Awana memorization they have done.  Anabel really put in a lot of work on the silver and Gold.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Battle of the Books

Early am.  I headed to work at Orphan Grain about 7:15.  Next destination Moville Battle of the Books.  It started at 10.  Really interesting and fun to watch.  Evan and Anabel's team placed 3 of 6.  I stopped at Prairie Pedlar and bought some plants.  Firecracker and Victoria Blue Salvia.  I stopped at Joyce's before picking up Laura at BV.  After I left Laura off I went to Becky R's and registered for Farmer's Market.  Jaylee had almost finished her book and so we finished it before I headed to Odebolt to pick up Missy and Anabel and take them to Denison for Gymnastics.  Denny had a chiro appointment and then started working for Larsons.  He planted beans in 80 acres by pond south of Kiron.

Monday, April 23, 2018

A mighty fine Jack Day

I left home about 6:15 and stopped to pick up a free microwave for Jensens.  Jack was really fun again today.   He "cruised" along the wall from Piper's bone box to the cabinet by the front door.  Good 2 hour nap in am andd 1 1/2 hours in afternoon.  Then we ate and went shopping for a couple hours.  Good little guy!!  People loved him and commented on how cute he was!!!  Of course, I agreed.  I stopped in IG at Jaylee's home, but no one was there.  At home Denny has been busy with the bobcat in the grove.  I had him bring 4 loads of manure up to the flower garden.  Hopefully it isn't over kill,  Dear Lord, help the plants grow well.  Great supper of rice and pico de gallo. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Good day Sunday

Nice slow am.  I went out early to give the plants a drink, then SS and church.  Good to be with believers.  At home we had lunch, then nap.  I headed to church to help Joyce get Awana store items ready for Wed. night and stayed for prayer time.  We visited with Luke and Karen as they were heading back to Minneapolis from DM.  Rose started swimming lessons last week.  Actually Luke said it was more a "play in the water with your baby" class.  We got a reservation for weeks long airbnb stay starting tomorrow.  Good day.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Upwards BB

I got up before Matt left for his meeting.  We chilled most of the morning, but we did pick up sticks in the yard for 30 minutes before lunch.   Matt and I took naps, then about 12:30 we headed to St. Joe for basketball for the boys.  Both teams played at the same time.  I headed home after the games and got home about 6:30.  Long day ... lots of driving ... I am ready to be home.  Denny had fixed a great pork chop for supper.  Plants look like some of them need a drink.   Denny watched Brooks play soccer this morning. 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday School PIZZA day!!!

I got up in time for a great breakfast made by Matt for me.    Hard boiled eggs, avocado, and fresh raspberries.  Yum!! I drove the kids down to the bus,  The boys got on the bus and I took Haley to school.  I spent the am looking around stores in Savannah.  There are a couple really cute stores.  I headed to Helena about 10:40 for school pizza with Torren, then Kane.  It has been a long time since I have had that noon delight.  I think I used to really like it when I taught in Winterset.   At that time I could buy school pizza and when I coached Girls' track with King and Worrel we would eat it after track meets and discuss the results of the meet.  After that I went to St. Joe and stopped at a couple  of stores.  Home to Matt's to meet the bus.  We left for the talent show at 5:30.  Nice show.  Torren played piano and rode his rip stick.  A crowd pleaser.   Haley and Becky left at noon go to Laurence Kansas to watch a KU major track meet.  Haley had a math test that she had to take before leaving and Becky had a full docket of injured athletes to see before she could go to pick Haley up at middle school.  Great night just visiting with my oldest child.  I am so blessed.  I told Matt that Barbara Bush (who died this week) had nothing on me.  She said she was blessed, but having Denny as a husband was a good as having a president husband ... and I tried to say that my sons couldn't have made me more blessed or proud even if they became president.  Thank you Jesus for all the ways you have blessed me. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Headed south ... Savannah South

Nice am.  It is warmer so maybe snow will be gone in a day or two.  I left for Atlantic about 10:15 after transferring small plug plants from sun room to greenhouse.  Some more of the snap dragons plants had lost their snap.  I took time to bleach the sink and use the spot vacuum to get the small clumps of dirt off the carpet in the sun room.  Gail and Bruce had Blue Apron lunch.  We played pickle ball from 1 until 2.  Then off to Maryville.  I had been thinking on my travels lately that I quite often "smoosh" the time just right and it works out, but that is not leaving extra time in case I had a flat tire.   As I drove i figured I had about 45 minutes to spend at Galaxy General store south of Wilcox or 45 minutes to look for a thrift store in Maryville.   That was until north of Clairemont when my car on the road started to sound different.  I thought it must be the Missouri road, but I was not in Missouri yet...  Uffta!!  I pulled off the road a little and stepped out ... Uffta!!   Yes. the front tire was flat ... very flat.   The road is very narrow, so I looked ahead and there was a farm just across the road.  New house and pick up parked in front of the house loaded with Pioneer seed corn, so I pulled into the nice flat driveway.  A pretty lady answered the door,  Her husband had just had cataract surgery, but would help me.   Now I have never changed a tire on the Prius, but I got out the manual and between Ron Kelly and myself we got it done.  Bless his heart!!! He sent me down the road 10 miles to the place where he gets his tire work done.  Got there and told him about the meet in Maryville at 4:45.  YES!! it got done and I was on my way.  I missed the first leg of the 4x800 relay, but was there for Haley's anchor run and the 2nd place finish.   Thank you Jesus.  Fun meet.   Haley was 7th in 1600 and their 4x400 got 2nd, I think.  Good day!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Snow day ...

I came upstairs to find out that ... it did indeed snow last night.  Jason had gone out to drive and check the road that Mandy would take.  After texting/ etc.  Mandy did not go to work and Jason worked at home in the morning.  I left to drive home after the snow started to melt.  Fun morning with Jack and parents.  Jack really likes to push the walker toy around, but can't turn it yet.  He also gets more up on his knees when he tries to call, a little up from the army crawl.   But that is not his favorite mode of travel.  He really likes to stand and move.  At home I called Jan and visited about GP get together.  Denny polished pickup.  We went to green house to check the temp. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Evan's birthday!!!! April 17

Happy Birthday Evan!!!  12 years old.  We are so thankful to have you as a grandson.  It has been so great to watch you grow up.  May you always look to God in your life.  Love that you love to read!

Up for devotions, then back to bed for a while.  I went to Orphan Grain train and helped until 11.  At home I moved some of the plants to the green house.  Later in the afternoon we took stuff from around the greenhouse and put it away.  Tools to machine shed, broken garden water hoses to trash hole,  boards to corn crib.  pvc pipes to machine shed.  We got that all done with about an hour until Evan's birthday supper and Denny wondered what we should do next.  I suggested,"Why don't youo get on the bobcat and do some damage in the grove?"   He took my suggestion and worked on the area north of the cement slab for the grain bin (which has been moved).  I rode on the stationary bicycle and watched him.  Then we headed to Jensens for a great supper for Evan.  Wow did it taste good!!!   Swedish meatballs, potatoes with butter  (lots), rice with soy sauce, sliced pears, cottage cheese with soy sauce, and Oreo blizzards.  (Makes me hungry just to think about it).  Next Brooks had a soccer meet in IG.  Denny drove the pickup with Missy and Brooks,  I drove the Prius and headed to Cherokee after soccer.  Boy, it was cold watching the game.  When I got to Cherokee there had been a loose hose on the washer and so Jason was doing water removal work.  After a while Mandy and I went to the hot tub, then headed to bed.  They forecast a snowstorm for tomorrow, but doesn't really look like it tonight.