Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Monday April 16 Out with the old, in with the new

I am so loving not teaching sped!!  In am Kris G. came and bought 23 little flower plants from me.  We had a really nice visit.  I sent the GP letter to the gals on Jeanne's list and The Crescent magazine.   Mandy called to see if a gal she works with could use our car, so we took it to Odebolt and left the keys in for them.   I rode 25 minutes on the stationary bike.  The mailbox lettering was done in Arthur and so we headed there and then to IG.  We stopped at Bomgaars and the library for a couple of Iowa Choice books.  When we got home Phillip was working on the green house.  We went out to help him.  He/we were about done when he left to drive the bus about 3 then Denny started on digging the hole for the new mailbox.  I put some plants in small pots in greenhouse, then went to help Denny.  We got the mailbox pretty much all done.  It looks amazing.  Great job Denny!!!  It has been fun to see the responses the GP gals have sent about the story.

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