Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Cold, but the promise of spring in the sunshine

Nice slow am.  I did make a stop at Ginny's to get the study book before getting to the Lutheran church where Ia Assessments are given to home schoolers.  I am pretty happy that yesterday I got the "story" written for GPB get together.  I've always wanted to get it done, but just have not taken the time.  Hurrah for me!! Now to decide what to do with it.  Lord, guide me.
We went to the Pizza Hut and the I went to Anna's and got a perm and a haircut.   Oh, my!  It is CURLY!
We took a nap in the afternoon and then went to look at the broken green house.   Denny really doesn't know how to fix it.  Phillip said there was extra plastic, so we went to get it.  We cut it into 2 pieces and folded them up and put them in the back of the pickup.  We headed into Awana.  Good to be back.

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