Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Funday

It started to snow about 8.  Bring on the storm, I guess.  The little plants I have in my sunroom, some of them look alittle yellow because they are not out in the sun.  Uffta!!  With the forecast it may be a while before they get to be shuffled outside.  I am thankful that when I asked Phillip about my plants surviving a couple years ago he said that plants are pretty forgiving.   Oh, my When I went to get dressed for church, I had a dilema.  It was cold and all I wanted to wear was a fleece and warm fleece sweatpants.  Cowboy up,Faith.  You won't be wearing Texas weather clothes for a month or 2.  Sunday school class is really a good place to bring our concerns for prayer.  I asked Brenda to help me in the nursery during worship so it was great to have time to visit while we cared for 3 sweeties: Anna, Treyton and Marlie.  When we got in the car after church Denny said,"It is so good to be here in church!"  We went to IG for groceries, then home for lunch and a 2 hour nap for me.  A little after 5 we texted with Jensens.  They came over for pico de g. and guacamole.   We had cheese for her tortillas.  How I will miss these precious times together.  Just soak them up now, Faith, and store them in your heart.  Now the "terrible" problem in my life.  What fun thing do I do?  Do I stay and watch a movie with Jensens or head to Cherokee?  The roads are bad and I am scheduled to watch Jack tomorrow.  I left for Cooks about 7:30.  I do not enjoy bad roads, but I made it just fine.  We went to the hot tub before heading to bed.   Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful day.   Pictures from the party and shower yesterday.

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