Friday, April 27, 2018

Denny gone planting

The alarm went off way to early at 4:45.  While Denny was eating his breakfast he checked his phone and the planter he would use was being repaired and would not be ready to go until 8.  He didn't go back to sleep, but did leisurely enjoy his breakfast and coffee.   The kitchen was full of dirty dishes so I think I did 3 dish washer loads.  Thank you, Jesus.  I put the airbnb bedding in the washer.  I went into the garden and continued planting.  My body was sore and achey all day.  Laurie texted to see if I wanted to walk, Yes, I did.  We walked about 1 1/2 miles, then she went to pick up Evan after school for a birthday weekend.  I took a long soaking hot bath.  Missy dropped the kids off about 4 then she and Phillip headed to Omaha for the weekend.  Kids played outside, we played Pick up Sticks and dominoes.  Before they went to bed we watched the Butter Cream gang.

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