I got up in time for a great breakfast made by Matt for me. Hard boiled eggs, avocado, and fresh raspberries. Yum!! I drove the kids down to the bus, The boys got on the bus and I took Haley to school. I spent the am looking around stores in Savannah. There are a couple really cute stores. I headed to Helena about 10:40 for school pizza with Torren, then Kane. It has been a long time since I have had that noon delight. I think I used to really like it when I taught in Winterset. At that time I could buy school pizza and when I coached Girls' track with King and Worrel we would eat it after track meets and discuss the results of the meet. After that I went to St. Joe and stopped at a couple of stores. Home to Matt's to meet the bus. We left for the talent show at 5:30. Nice show. Torren played piano and rode his rip stick. A crowd pleaser. Haley and Becky left at noon go to Laurence Kansas to watch a KU major track meet. Haley had a math test that she had to take before leaving and Becky had a full docket of injured athletes to see before she could go to pick Haley up at middle school. Great night just visiting with my oldest child. I am so blessed. I told Matt that Barbara Bush (who died this week) had nothing on me. She said she was blessed, but having Denny as a husband was a good as having a president husband ... and I tried to say that my sons couldn't have made me more blessed or proud even if they became president. Thank you Jesus for all the ways you have blessed me.

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