Sunday, April 15, 2018

No church in Arthur

I got up for devotions and I turned on tv.  The Christian Worship Hour was on.  Dr. Salem, a 96 year old man was in charge and he read a letter was from a man who is 100 years old and lives in Sac City.   The man who wrote the letter drives every week 35 miles to help pack clothes, blankets, etc. to send all over the world.  I believe the man was Orville who helps at Orphan Grain Train.   God is so good.  Then  the pianist played "As a Deer Pants for the Water".  It was one of my parents' songs.  Our family sang in at the folk's anniversary and it was sung at both of their funerals.  Twice blessed just by getting up.  Anabel called to invite us to church in their home because the Arthur church was cancelled.  It was a great service with the kids all in charge.  The boys handed out papers with the schedule and monopoly money for the free will offering for after the service snacks.  Evan had picked out songs with the words on the screen and all the kids took turns leading the songs.  Great crackers and frosting for after service snacks. We happily gave an offering of $55.  We went home, Jensens came for lunch and then they looked at the the pictures from Texas while Denny narrated.
We watched a few episodes on hulu most of the afternoon.
Anabel went to practice her aerial ... and made it!!

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