Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Track Day

Fun morning.  I was in IG by 8 to help with Orphan Grain train. Lots of clothes to put in boxes.  I found a couple of KU to pass along.  I left for Savannah about 11.  Gail had not left for bridge yet and so I stopped in Atlantic to say Hi.  She sent some snacks with me.  I got to Savannah about 3.  Haley ran first race of the meet( 4 by 800) , middle event of the meet (1600) and the last event of the meet (4 by 400).  Frank and Jenny were there, too.  54 degrees was the temp.  A little chilly to only sit during the whole meet.
     Denny went to the dentist this am and stopped to visit with Sandy at the bank.  At home he cleaned floor in the greenhouse.  He went to save places for the concert and got a front row seats.  The video clips he sent looked great.  Great job Evan and Anabel!!! 

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