Sunday, April 29, 2018

Day of rest

Anabel and Brooks ate yogurt and cereal for breakfast.  Denny got up at 5am because his back hurt, then went back to sleep until 10.  Kids and I went for donuts before SS.  After church we went to the pancake/ sausage library fund raiser.  Naps in the afternoon, Anabel read in the sunroom.  Brooks did some soccer while Denny ran a stop watch to see how fast he could go around a goal and back then they watched some videos on soccer.  We are happy that Keelie caught and killed a ground hog, but not so happy that she brings it to the back door to show off her conquest.   We went into church for Camp supper.  When I brought A&B home we had a "share what we did this weekend" with Evan in Ames, 2 at my place, and Missy and Phillip in Omaha.  Denny had search committee facetime interview.  He was in pain when he got home.  2 Alieve before he went to bed.  He slept on the Murphy bed thinking that may help his pain.  Hope so.

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