Sunday, April 1, 2018

Home feels good

Up, showers, and at church by 8:00.  Becky had bagels, cream cheese, hard boiled eggs, bananas, and juice for breakfast.  YUM!  Lunch after church was pulled pork, roasted veggies, and strawberry shortcake.  Haley and Torren played piano for us.  I would love it if Haley played the song "This is my Father's World" at my funeral.  It sounded so pretty.  It seemed perfect with Denny sitting in the chair and loving every note.  Matt was walking around holding Jack.  Everyone was in the room and the sun was shining in.  I am so blessed.  We left for home about 1:30.  Poor Jack still wasn't feeling the best all weekend.  Lord, help him feel better.  We got home about 6 after shopping for groceries at Walmart.   All the Jensens met in Osky for Easter.  There were 15 of them.  They had their meal celebration on Saturday. Brooks and Anabel were not feeling good this am, so they left for home before lunch.

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