Monday, April 23, 2018

A mighty fine Jack Day

I left home about 6:15 and stopped to pick up a free microwave for Jensens.  Jack was really fun again today.   He "cruised" along the wall from Piper's bone box to the cabinet by the front door.  Good 2 hour nap in am andd 1 1/2 hours in afternoon.  Then we ate and went shopping for a couple hours.  Good little guy!!  People loved him and commented on how cute he was!!!  Of course, I agreed.  I stopped in IG at Jaylee's home, but no one was there.  At home Denny has been busy with the bobcat in the grove.  I had him bring 4 loads of manure up to the flower garden.  Hopefully it isn't over kill,  Dear Lord, help the plants grow well.  Great supper of rice and pico de gallo. 

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