Tuesday, April 3, 2018

HS testing

I headed to IG early.   I thought the orphan grain train would be open, but no one was there.  The home schoolers met at 8:30 for testing.  After testing Susan and I went for lunch at the hospital dining center. 
Phillip went to Ames to help his mom and dad.  Lord, I ask your wisdom and care on those we love.  At 5  Denny and I had a tax appointment.  We went from there to Missy's.  I drove Missy and Anabel down to gymnastics. It was kind of bad weather.  I do not like to drive in bad weather, but I really wanted to go to gymnastics.  It has been 3 months since I have gotten to watch Anabel and next week they have a concert and so no gymnastics.
One of the best things about the day was that I took the time during testing to start to write the GPB story of Mandy and Jason.  I have wanted to do it for a long time, but I just didn't.  I couldn't think of a way to address it, but it seemed to come together pretty well today.  Hip Hip Hurrah!!!

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