Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Another full day

We were both up early,  It helps Denny when I made his breakfast and 2 sandwiches for the tractor.  I spent am putting stuff away.  We got an order from WalMart yesterday.  I called and made arrangements for today.  Denny texted that he talked to the doctor and he would have a prescription ready at noon.  I worked in garden, planting some Queen Anne's lace and bulbs I found in basement.  They were dried and kinda mildey.  Will they grow??? That is the question.  Uffta!  At noon I went into IG, got the script, got new dog collar for Keelie, cat food (for cat that kept trying to snitch my plate of food that I took out when I was working in the garden) and a few more flower seeds.  Then I went to Old Town and put tops and labels on about 10 cases of bottles.  I found out where Denny was and headed home and dropped off Tramadol.  Then I headed to have coffee with Brenda and work alittle on her front flower beds.  At home Jensens walked over for a visit.  What a blessing just to have them close and be able to walk in between places.  It makes my heart happy.  Though Brooks really did wipe out on his bike.  ouch!!!    On a sad note some animal  cut/bit off the tree that Evan and G'pa planted on Sunday.  :(    I picked asparagus.  What am I going to do with all of it?  Denny had a planter breakdown and so he came home about 8.  We both are tired.

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