Friday, May 11, 2018

Denny home

Denny didn't take any Tramadol today.  He was home all day, just chilling.  In am I put together my first flower arrangement of the year.  :)   I went to orphan grain train from 8-11.  (You can see the room full of bags of clothes that we have job security.)  6 seniors came to help as a senior service project.  12 people from Manilla came to help also.   Denny talked to Curtis today and they got done planting corn and beans about 1 am today.  Denny stopped planting about noon yesterday.  Denny said," Those Larsons, they work hard."  I came home and fixed browned beef and onions and guacamole for lunch.  I went to Brooks PE day.  They had 3 activity groups that parents and Grands watched from the bleachers.  Cute picture of Brooks and his teacher.  On the way home I stopped at Brenda's for a couple hours and washed windows and cut up carrots and celery.   Two Air bnb'er families are coming tonight.  As we watched the 6 pm news tonight, Dr. Meyer, who Denny is seeing Wednesday tells of a book he wrote sharing all of God's miracles with the 3 Tanzania girls who came to SC after a bus crash. 
Baby Jack got a new big boy toddler haircut today.  So cute!!!!    ...  but kinda sad, too. 

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