I got up at my regular time. Denny stayed in bed as long as he could because he couldn't eat anyway. I borrowed cocoa from Missy and made brownies and cream cheese coffee cake, blanched the asparagus for tomorrow night, washed the bedding, vacuumed, washed kitchen floors, we made the bed ... so we're ready for a party this weekend! Denny had gone in and started his shower when we got a call from the Dunes. "Could we come in early? The Doctor is running a little ahead of schedule." Yes!!! We got to SC 12:30. Mandy got here about 2 right before he was taken back to the OR. Procedure started 2:52. Denny was out of surgery about 4:30. When we visited with the Dr. Meyer, he said it was the worse case of stenosis that he has seen. He brought in a co-neurosurgeon to look at it because it was so bad ... BUT Dr. Meyer said he felt like dancing a gig when he got done because it had turned out so well. It was the fourth one he had done today and there was a lot of scar tissue and lesions. He was so happy that it turned out. The doctor said that Denny sure must have hurt A LOT when he walked. "He is one tough cookie!" He said if it had not worked for today it would have been in July that the surgery could be done. NOW that would NOT have been good. The plan is that Denny will get out tomorrow and he will have to do a lot of walking. Mandy is writing a NP view of the info from the Doctor and we will send out.

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