Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Jack Day :)

Before heading north I made beds in airbnb, read devotions, made coffee, made breakfast for Denny, and checked the rabbit trap, (which was empty ... DARN!).
Jack was up and ready to move.  He was walking on his own to get into cabinets.  Pretty cute.  We had a great day.  He took a 3 hour am nap.  We shopped after lunch.  I got cosmos, zinnias, and a lavender plant at Hy Vees.  30 minute nap and then I held Jack and he slept another hour.  So nice!   At home Jensens walked over.  Remer kids played here.  Note to self ... Maybe don't check the rabbit trap in the early morning.   Especially when the photo camera was on.  You gotta smile.  I love living in the country. 

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