Monday, May 7, 2018

Jack Day

Denny is up and getting ready to go plant.  Lord, guide him and give him wisdom and relief for his back pain. 
I had a super fun day with Jack.  He is crawling with purpose, laughing with joy, and so fun to be with.  After lunch we got groceries, gas, went to 2 thrift stores, and 2 plant places.  Then we went to G'ma Jan's.  Jack slept in the car as we visited, then after the 45 min nap, we sat on  blanket and watched a bobcat work on the road, then went up to the kitchen as Jan worked on making bars for a meeting this week.  Missy texted and asked me to get 30 pop lids from McD.  Brooks was climbing a tree when I delivered the lids.  Denny's planter was broken down.  And he was in pain.  He didn't get a referral for his MRI because of the planter breakdown, etc.  Lord, Grant him wisdom. 


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