Monday, May 14, 2018

Jack Day

Missy dropped the 3 Grands off at our place because she was taking a class in SC and going to head out early.  Denny will drop the 3 off at school and pick them up after  school.  I headed north to Cherokee.  Fun day with Jack.  I got a cool wall saying from Cooks.  Brooks took about 7 steps on his own.  He was standing along side the bed where I was folding clothes and he took steps to lean up against the dresser.  Then he sat on my leg and stood and walked 7 steps into the room.  SO CUTE!!!  He slept about 2 hours in the morning and in the afternoon he fell asleep on me reclining on the sofa.  After his afternoon nap he seemed a little warm.  I took his temp 101.3,  Texted Mandy and found out where the Motrin was for him.  Jan came over for about an hour; nice visit.  At home I picked asparagus, warmed up some supper and chilled with Denny.  Fun day!!

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