Another beautiful morning. Thank you Lord, for those who have served in the Armed service for our country's freedom. We are so blessed. I took Anabel and Brooks for donuts. I was at SS for a short time and then headed home to get Denny for church. Jensens came over for lunch, eggs, sausage, chilled asparagus, coffee cake and OJ. Chilled in afternoon. With the heat pressure, I went out about 3:30 and gave most of the plants a drink. Boy, is it hot and dry! We watched some episodes of Tiny houses to get ideas for the Grainery. As I drove to prayer the Jensens were at the stream culvert, so they invited me and I stayed. It was so cute!! The water was freezing cold, kids were jumping in and splashing. Parents were sitting in brown plastic aderondack chairs in the culvert watching the antics of the kids. Good times ... Iowa Summer Days ... Making your own fun ... No screens needed. I didn't have my camera, but the sweet images will forever be in my mind. Thank you, Jesus. Grands came over for baths, to set the live traps for G'pa, watch some extrodinair houses,and eat a supper of corndogs. Jensens brought the last of the red wattle pork chops and bacon to saute with asparagus. May I continue to soak up these precious times.

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