Thursday, May 10, 2018


Yes, I am thankful for this day.  I have the Lord, I have a great family, I have food, shelter, a community that cares, health, promise of heaven, Richly blessed.
Denny went to work this am, but came home about 12.  The marker on the planter needed repair and he was in pain.  He just went to bed, conceding that is was good to just lie still and not be jostled around in the tractor.  I took Jensens to school this am.  Missy had an appointment in Storm Lake and Dr. S. was done using the Jeep so Phillip took Missy to SL and Missy would drive the Jeep home.  After I left Odebolt, I went to Doses in IG, Then I went up to Old Town and labeled about 12 cases of bottles.  Dr. S. had a radiation chemo treatment at 11.  When I got home I started to mow.  Got all the major parts of the lawn done.  Mary Kay came for lunch before we headed to study.   After study I picked the kids up at school.  We stopped at Rachel's store before we came home.  Brooks fixed the filling for cream puffs.  Denny has an appointment Wed. at 1:30 with Dr. Meyer in IG.

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