Sunday, May 6, 2018

Thank you, Jesus,

For your many blessings!!!  I was out in yard before church and picked asparagus.  Some animal had gotten onto my gymphena firecracker.  I was so sad/frustrated.  I found 10 plants at Prairie Pedlar and was so happy!!  Then the animal ate them right at ground level.  I was so sad I made a sister call.  Beautiful morning out in the yard.
A &B went for donuts with us.  At SS Mike T. was there, but started to look pale and so Rita took him to ER.  He has a clot in his lungs and is now headed to Des Moines.  Lord, guide and heal him.  While I was sitting in church my back really hurt.  Really... I think it was from using the back machine  that Denny had ordered.  Uffta!!  (Faith, if it is not broken, don't fix it. Why did I want to try it???)  After church Evan came over and planted his red maple tree with Grandpa in our yard.  We had leftovers from Mexican lunch yesterday. It tasted so good.  Naps and I watched a movie, Dare to be Wild, about life of Irish landscaper, Mary Reynolds.  I worked outside a little and then went to prayer time at church.  It was great having warm weather today and just being outside.  I am hesitant to plant asters, it seems they get too wet in late summer and die.  I am hesitant to plant dahlias that do not have eyes that are sprouting.  I am hesitant to plant flowers that bunnies might eat.  Guess that describes what I got done in working in garden this evening, but I loved soaking up the great weather.  I felt alittle guilty, because I didn't get anything done, but it was gorgeous out there.  Denny had gone to bed about 7:30, getting ready for planting tomorrow. 

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