Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Tuesday ... So thankful for the days that fly by ....

Denny's alarm went off before 5.   That in itself is amazing!!  His tractor was parked in our driveway and so he got in it at 6 and waited for instructions.   I went to Orphan Grain and helped until 11.  They liked the blanched asparagus I brought.   I took a nap when I got home, then headed out to garden, but I wasn't thrilled about the stuff I needed to do, but I just dug in and planted.  Yes!!!  I got most everything put in the ground.  Then I took a quick shower paying attention to my dirty fingernails and off the home school skating party.  Denny had a hose go bad and so he was home by 8:30.  Nice to visit with him,   I put a plastic chair in the shower.  Cute picture of the Hofmanns.

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