Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Blood work in SC

Up and devotions,  I went out to pick asparagus.  Denny and I left for SC about 9:30.  In order to vary our ride I took D54.  Wrong!! Little did I know the curvy roads would not help the way Denny was feeling.  Denny's high point ... that really made his day ,,, was when the nurse Tiffany  kept looking at him and then looking at her computer screen and then looking back at him and finally saying,"I'm sorry, I just can't believe you are 68 years old."   Now that was worth a trip to SC just to get that booster shot.  We took smooth, flat, highway 20 home.   I pulled some tiny weeds in the flower  rows, moved the manure away from the flower beds, moved Keelie's dog house back to bunk house, and sprayed chairs/table from Jensens with black paint. 
Denny has to fast from 9 pm on before his surgery tomorrow.  He wanted something good to eat, so we invited Jensens over and I fixed grilled hamburgers, asparagus and guacamole. 
As Jensens get ready to leave Iowa much of their stuff is up for grabs to the siblings.   Pictures: In a group text Karen offered her stuff, also.  Cute Country boy!!!  Pretty poppy flowers.

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