Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Multi activities

No animals in the live trap, not even a cat!  I fixed Denny breakfast before heading to the Train.  At 8:45 I headed to the high school and sat in on interviews for the home school supervisor.  I went back to help at the train until 11.  I took asparagus to Susan's.  At 12 Denny and I had haircuts by Anna.  I headed up the hill and put labels on about 12 cases of bottles.  At home I finished mowing the lawn.  Denny had Missy buy some medicine for our cat.  He had gotten medicine for Keelie, but forgot about Lily.  Denny got the info on his surgery.  Wednesday  he goes in before noon to get blood work done.  Thursday check in at 1:45 for surgery with surgery at 3:15.  Hopefully released Friday evening.  Pray that Denny will be up for pictures scheduled at Saturday 10 am with Jennifer.  It was scheduled at Christmas that the kids would come home this weekend (June 1,2,and 3) for my Christmas present.  It should make for a very low key weekend.  MN Johnsons were in Canada this weekend.  Looks like fun!

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