Monday, May 21, 2018

Happy birthday Denny!!Walk with friends

68 years old!!! I am so thankful for you.  Evan came over in the afternoon to get cocoa to make brownies for G'pas birthday.    Thanks, Denny, for the night camera to take pictures of the flower nibbler.  Now if only we could figure out how to rid my garden of them.

I was in bed until almost 8 am.  That is a long time for me.  We ate breakfast in the sun room and then took at walk to the windmill and Jensens.  Diane, Margo, and I went to IG for a walking tour on the trail, stopping at the rec center and the hospital.  We came home for lunch of sandwiches and fruit.  They left for home a little after 2.  Crippled Denny had gone down to the airbnb and started to clean, so we just had to finish making 2 beds as the new airbnbers arrived.  Great full day.

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