Friday, May 25, 2018

Thank you, Lord, for full days

I was outside when Missy told Denny there was a Last day of school awards assembly at 8:30. I could copy pictures off of Missy's post.    Sounds good to me. The assembly was so fun!  Both Anabel and Evan got recognition for completing AR pages.  Evan was awarded for breaking the record of AR pages, etc.  He accomplished 1059. point something, I think, breaking the previous record of 1001.  I stopped to see Maryann and Paul before going home.  At home I put together some 12x12 wire panels to protect from rabbits and watered plants. The first iris and daisies were blooming.   Uffta!!! Right before I was leaving for Mapleton I looked at my lizzies.  They were dried up.  I took the time to spray water on all of them.  Lord, help them to live.  I stopped and got plants at Green acres before going to Tira J's graduation celebration.  Then I headed to Denison.  Anabel's dress rehearsal was fun.

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