Monday, September 17, 2018

At home, somewhat

I didn't miss my perm with Nicole at 8.  One time I slept thru it.  I didn't oversleep. Yea!!!  I put stuff away from the CCF.   I took 35 exhibits to the CCF.  4 pink ribbon (4th place), 5 whites, (3rd place) 13 reds (second place) 12 blues (First place) and 3 of the blues were recognized.  My flower basket picture was considered for special recognition.  My lisianthus got a big golden ribbon.  My Hunter's Feast got recognition for most points scores in a luncheon table.  Pretty fun!!!  Every exhibit you take to the fair earns a ribbon and premeiun.  I think my premium check in October should be about $135.   :)  BUT 4 trips to Spencer  150 miles round trip equals 600 miles, really???? Worth it???? don't know, we'll see what next year brings.
Denny got home about 1:30.  He had an appointment with Dr. Bissel who drew some fluid off his knee.  He was going to get a culture on it, but it looked ok.  Naps, at home.  I went in to walk with Ranae at 7 for an hour.  Stella loves F. Walter, their new puppy.

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