Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jack Day!!

So much fun!!! I headed north and was at Cook's at 7:30am.  It was a fun day, not many pictures, but fun!!   He played outside in water puddles after parents left, then inside until am nap time.  (1 1/4 hours)   Then we went to shop in Cherokee.    At noon when we got home Jason gave the boy some love.  He played until afternoon nap. I finished GPB name tags.  Mandy came home about 5 and gave me some more shoes to take on my trip and tops for Missy, and t shirt for Missy, and I headed to Awana.  Pretty good night for no one knowing how to work the new system.  Lord, grant patience and wisdom to those who are sharing the Gospel.
At home Denny and I chilled.  Thank  you, Jesus for how you do things more amazing than we could ever imagine!!!

I AM SORRY.  THIS IS GROSS.  BUT IT IS ALSO (in my perverted aspect) VErY FUNNY!  SORRY!

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