Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Awana training

I hear the sump pump running.  Hope it is not bothering Daniela too much.  On the way into town I stopped at Mary's to pick cucumbers.   Then I headed up the hill to pick grapes.  It was a beautiful morning and I talked with Diane P. as we picked.  Lenee had a lunch ready for us and so I ate before heading home.  About 4 I got stuff ready to take to church and after I got to church I baked the hamballs and made creamy cukes.  About 32 came to the training, we were so encouraged.  Denny did a great job.  I talked to our airbnb er and she slept thru the pump running.  That's a good thing, ALSO a VERY good thing that the pumps are installed and doing their job.  Uffta!! what a  lot of rain.

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