Tuesday, September 11, 2018

CCF Cherry Creek Farm ... no,Clay county fair

UFFTA!!  This is where the big boys play.   This was a hard day for me.  I really knew nothing about floriculture, not even know how to spell it.  I helped at the Grain Train for about an hour, then headed north to Spencer.  First a propeller of a wind turbin pulled into the road in front of me ... then road construction ... and a long wait ... we finally got going and about 15 miles later the wind turbins turned off highway 71.  The entry time closed at 10:30  and I just arrived at the fair grounds at 10.  I had a pass to get in so I could park right by exhibit building ... no, the entry I tried to take was not the right one.  Luckily a golf cart guy pulled in where I was entering a $6 parking lot, he said he would take me to the building ... if the tractor parade was not going  ... and if his boss said it was ok because they were not suppose to deliver to buildings.  Long story short  I got there on time and helpful people got my flower exhibits checked in.  Uffta!!
They liked my lisianthus ... I would have gotten a better ribbon if I had the papers I left back at the car when I was in a hurry to take my exhibits to the building (... cause I thought I would have my car outside the exhibit building, but no it was in a parking lots about a mile from the building. ) 
Checked photography exhibits ... 2 pictures got blue ribbons,  5 reds and about 3 white.  Oh, well.  Now to wait around to put up my 5 tables.  Yes, I know,  5,  really, when I know nothing about it.  I had the table clothes, napkins and dishes.  But lots too much of everything.  And of course not enough of some things.  To say the least I was discouraged.  I like to have people over and set a table, but I am really NOT very picky at all ... plates 2 inches from edge of table ... No knick Knacks or figurines ... napkins need to be ironed and no wrinkly tableclothes .. mismatched china on a pink quilt is too much ... flower arrangement can't be too big ... or too small.   Well, enough for tonight I better get to bed.  I have to take the flowers for the 5 tables up tomorrow.  Sure glad I went up today to get over whelmed.  And to find out this probably is not my cup of tea.  Plus my shoes were not fitting right and so my right big toe is not soaking in epsom salts to attack the ingrown toe or infected joint.  Uffta!  Guess I won't be taking those shoes when I go on the New England Autumn bus tour.  Hope my toes is healed by then.  NOW I am not complaining about a sore toe when my husband is in so much pain he HOPES he can have hip surgery tomorrow.  But tomorrow we just meet with the doctor who may do the hip surgery. 

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