Friday, September 28, 2018

Day 7 September 28 Friday

Well, rain, rain, rain,   Great breakfast at the hotel.  Eggs, ham, and good potato chunks.  Rain, Rain, Rain,  We got on the bus at 7:15 and headed to Boston.  Drove in much traffic, drove past Fenway Park, heading toward the famous "ducks".  We are all not sure what today will bring.  For sure I feel like I will be "singing in the rain".
It has been very interesting checking the airbnb saga.  We have one who doesn't like rain and so a cancellation is eminent.  They would not like Boston today.  And we have a wind turbine employee looking to book for the month of October.  (except for the 2 weekends we already have booked).  We'll see what happens ... who wants to put their money where their mouth is first.
Well, we made it to the duck tour.  It was very good.  The tour guide talked and talked and talked telling us about everything we drove by.  Cheers!!!!  The bus was enclosed in zipped plastic windows.  We are heading to Old north church now.  The traffic is head to tail light stop and go in the drizzling rain.  I guess the stop at the church is a walk 4 blocks uphill.  Glad I have my plastic green rain coat to wear as I walk.   Wow, are there lots of cars here!  And a lot of one way streets!  And we don't know exactly how to get where we are going.  Beautiful building.  And to think that the building has been there for almost 300 years  1732, I think it was built.  From there we went to Quincy Market and walked around to look at expensive shops.  I ate Boston Cream Cake and New England Clam Chowder. What a treat.  Back to the motel, stopped at Wholefoods, ate soup at Joe's, back to our room and to get ready for tomorrow and watch Downton Abbey.

Savannah Homecoming

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